I’m excited for you in your decision to take the next step toward finding your authentic-self!

Life is truly a personal journey and a path can often be influenced, limited or overshadowed by others or your own personal anxieties, fears, and preconceived limiting beliefs and self-doubts. To live a life of completeness you must first come to understand who you are, or more importantly who you are intended to be. And while there are many tools available to assist along the path to self-discovery and personal greatness, I truly believe the power of PSYCH-K® and subconscious reprogramming are an integral part in a developing a sustainable transition to realizing your authentic-self!


Outlined below are the different packages that I offer to support subconscious transformations. And while single session appointments are always available, I highly recommend selecting a multi-session package to truly experience life-changing transformations that support your personal and professional aspirations, desires and goals. 

PSYCH-K® package details and pricing information is provided below.

  • All sessions are in English.
  • Each one-on-one session can be conducted onsite, by online video conferencing, or by telephone only when necessary.
  • Travel to non-local participant locations can be arranged.
  • Always open to discuss alternative considerations, options, and situations tailored to meet your specific needs.
  • Additional multi-person sessions are also available for more advanced Relationship Balancing and Rapport Balancing.
  • To schedule an appointment please email to or call 314-210-0214.

Is PSYCH-K® right for you?

PSYCH-K® is not for everybody. In this video Rob Williams, the creator of the PSYCH-K® process, explains how your beliefs determine your biological and behavioral reality.

Schedule a PSYCH-K® appointment now to begin your personal transformation! 

Multi-session packages are deeply discounted to support individuals willing to do the work necessary to transform their subconscious mindset to achieve their aspirations, desires, and goals!

The Answer is Within You

Single Session:

A single session is 60 minutes. This session is structured to let you begin to explore and transition core beliefs held deep within your subconscious. We can generally complete 2-3 core belief balances depending on the topics you’d like to focus on during the session. The first session together will be extended an additional 30 minutes to allow for initial preparation and follow-ups.

Price: $190

3 Session Package:

A 3-session package allows more time to focus on a single area of concern, to remove old blockers and reprogram your subconscious mindset. 

This package is also ideal to revisit and prioritize situations discussed in the initial session, to expand transformations across multiple areas.

Most clients find the discounted 3-session option to be most appropriate for re-aligning core beliefs with current aspirations, desires and goals.  

Come prepared. Let’s use this time to unpack and transform to create new beliefs that support the authentic you!

Price: $520


5 Session Package:

A 5-session package allows you to dig deep into your anxieties, fears, limiting beliefs and self-doubts. This package is ideal for individuals struggling to break-free from early childhood or  traumatic life experiences, to begin the healing and recovery process.  

The subconscious mind is extremely complex. Processing 40 million bits of information per second it functions like a super computer responsible for 95% of the brain function at any given time. The subconscious is always on, always analyzing and comparing current situations with prior experiences, then serving up responses and old beliefs intended to serve and protect.

Core Beliefs are often deeply co-mingled or entangled within the subconscious in such a way that removing one belief may be a challenge due a related secondary gain or shadow integration. 

While it is not possible to guarantee a specific result, which depends largely on the individual and his or her mindset, PSYCH-K® has a 30 year history of helping people achieve a satisfying and joyful life, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Working together we can identify and transform these more complex subconscious beliefs to provide a life-changing freedom and peace of mind you seek.

You’ll need an open mind, and true desire to change. And a box of tissues is highly recommended.

Price: $875

Health and Wellbeing.

Sometimes we experience unique conditions or situations that may also be impacting our overall Health and Wellbeing.

Always follow the clinical advise, medical therapy, and treatment prescribed by your medical practitioner. They have the knowledge and skill to treatment the clinical symptom you are experiencing.

Similarly, it’s important to understand the actual root cause of the condition or situation. 

What message is your subconscious mind is trying to communicate to you through the manifestation of a particular symptom? 

There is a well established biological interaction between the Body, Mind, and Spirit.

This is where PSYCH-K® may be of help to your overall recovery. Because I am not medically qualified, I can’t address your condition as a medical doctor would, using diagnosis and treatment program.

However, using PSYCH-K®, we can explore and change subconscious beliefs that may be influencing your health and wellbeing, both mentally and physically. This process is not a replacement for medical treatment; rather, it compliments the clinical treatment being used to address the symptom, to provide a more holistic approach to your overall recovery.

This is an advance program and may require multiple (8-12) sessions over an extended (60-90 day) period. 

Price:  $2,200

To schedule an appointment please email to or call 314-210-0214.