The subconscious mind is the data bank of your life.

The subconscious mind is the data bank of your life. From the moment you’re born your subconscious stores thoughts, feelings, emotions, images, perspectives, and sounds to reserve the priceless experiences of your life. When bundled together, the subconscious interpretation of a given previous event can be a powerful tool to guide you through and even protect you from present day situations or dangers.

Operating at 40 million bits of information per second, the subconscious can quickly recall past experiences to gauge how to respond to a current situation. Think fight or flight. Have I ever been in this situation before, was it safe, and how should I respond? Within milli-seconds, your subconscious will retrieve a similar prior experience or situation along with the associated feelings, images, emotions, bio-signals (muscle memories, heart rate, breathing, etc.) and respond.

Instinctively your defense mechanisms may kick in and you may begin running.

This is great when you are truly in harm’s way; but what if a situation, image, smell or sound triggers a non-physical unfavorable response? What if that scenario triggers an anxiety or a feeling of emotional pain, suffering or self-doubt? And what if that response is holding you back from forgiveness, healing, personal growth or professional success?

As a trained PSYCH-K® facilitator, we can work together to transform the perception of a given condition, experience, feeling, or situation into a more favorable representation of what you what that experience to be. Honestly, you can complete all the daily affirmations, mantras, and gratitude lists you want to appease your conscious mind but the truth is, if your subconscious mind isn’t in agreement nothing will change. 

PSYCH-K® is a non-invasive process and set of protocols used by a trained facilitator to harness the power of the subconscious mind.

With PSYCH-K®, you can re-program your subconscious mind to overwrite anxieties, fears, limiting beliefs and self-doubts to better align with your current aspirations, desires and goals.

Your core beliefs are based on the subconscious experiences established within the first seven years of your life. We learn about who we are from those around us; our parents, teachers, siblings, and friends. We establish our own perception of who we are based on opinions and feedback of others. As we grew, these core beliefs may include limiting beliefs and self-doubts that prohibit us from achieving personal success.

If you’re hurting or suffering, have the strength to take one more step to explore and learn about the benefits PSYCH-K® by contacting me at

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