I recently had an opportunity to attend a very special workshop on “Using PSYCH-K® To Create A Better Future For Humanity”, hosted by Rob Williams, creator of PSYCH-K®, Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief and The Honeymoon Effect, and Ducci Locati, PSYCH-K® World Director PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing Program.
What an amazing experience!
I’m a huge fan of Dr Lipton and always enjoy his science-based presentations. As a stem cell biologist, Dr. Lipton is a leading expert on epigenetics. In an article in Integrate Medicine: A Clinician’s Journal, author Craig Gustafson summaries, “His pioneering research on cloned human stem cells presaged today’s revolutionary new field of epigenetics.”
Dr Lipton’s presentations are always an engaging blend of science, including quantum physics, cellular biology, psychology (the conscious and subconscious mind), spirituality, and humor. As a prior faculty member at the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine, and a groundbreaking expert on stem cell research at Stanford University, Dr Lipton has the medical and science-based credentials required to bridge science and spirit.
As an interesting aside, in a prior interview Lipton has stated, “… he rejected atheism and came to believe that the way cells function demonstrates the existence of God.”
Which is a perfect transition to Rob Williams, originator of the PSYCH-K® program. Established in 1988, PSYCH-K® is a simple and direct way to change self-limiting beliefs at the subconscious level of the mind, where nearly all human behavior originates. According to his bio, “Its overall goal is to accelerate individual and global spiritual evolution by aligning subconscious beliefs with conscious wisdom from the world’s spiritual and intellectual traditions. The practical application of this wisdom in our personal and professional lives brings a greater sense of purpose and satisfaction, mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. “
Since its inception, the validity of PSYCH-K® has been researched and published in multiple publications spanning different disciplines including neuroscience, psychotherapy, and business.
After 30 years, PSYCH-K® is now recognized world-wide as one of the leading modalities for helping individuals transform anxieties, fears, limiting beliefs and self-doubts to better align with their current aspirations, desires and goals.
Even better, PSYCH-K® is also proving to be helpful for clinical healing and wellbeing. And while not considered as a replacement for clinical treatment, the PSYCH-K® Health and Wellbeing protocols taught by Ducci Locati are continuing to demonstrate the power a positive mindset and beliefs plays for both physical and mental healing.
As an Osteopath D.O. in private practice, Ducci was compelled to participate in a two-year course in Biological Medicine which then ultimately served as a bridge to PSYCH-K® and a deeper connection with his spirit. As he describes it, “I learned to see what we call “disease” in a completely different way; no longer something bad to be destroyed, but an intelligent program of nature that helps us manage the often traumatic and unexpected events of life.”
Ducci goes on to describe, “For me, PSYCH-K® is applied spirituality. It allows me to access my soul with my conscious mind, receive the information I need to solve a situation or achieve a goal and then install this information on a subconscious level, creating, in effect, a perfect alignment between my conscious, subconscious and superconscious mind, for the highest good of myself, my family and society.”
Which leads us back to the workshop. Rob Williams is previously quoted as saying, “May you recognize your Divinity, discover your Greatness, and become the Peace you seek.”
And now, after over 30 years of PSYCH-K® success at the individual level, Rob is leading PSYCH-K®, certified instructors and trained facilitators to the next evolution of PSYCH-K®, which goes beyond the focus and benefits of the individual.
I believe this workshop, “How to use PSYCH-K® to Create a Better Future for Humanity”, and the new protocols learned during the session represent a pivotal turning point in the evolution of living life to the fullest, and creating heaven on earth.
And, when aligned with the new science of epigenetics, we are truly entering a new age of spirituality and growth!