Healing Through acupressure and essential oils

Own Your Destiny

One of my favorite things to do is to meet new people, to learn new things, and share those experiences with others. I’m always amazed to learn about the many, many healing disciplines and modalities available to us, including a more recent understanding of healing through acupressure and essential oils. 

Clearly, it’s important find what works best for each of us, but there are so many options available to choose from; to combine, to try, and to try again.

And what I love best about the healing profession is that across the board most all practitioners have gone through their own personal trauma only to emerge stronger and dedicated to serving others. Recently, I had the pleasure to meet with one such person whom not only has dedicated her career to helping others, she also created a whole new healing modality along the way.

Enter Merina Ty-Kisera, a passionate healer with a commitment to mind-body health that stems from an early childhood disability. 

Merina’s life-long journey to understanding and controlling pain has not only led her to a Master’s degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from South Bayo University, as well as additional training in Worsley Five Element Acupuncture, a Doctorate in Metaphysics, and further study in aromatherapy and subsequently created the Acupressure with Essential Oils modality!

As the kids on Tik-Tok say, “She understood the Assignment”.

As the author of “Acupressure with Essential Oils: A Self-Care Guide to Enhance Your Health and Lift your Spirit”, Merina specializes in releasing the root cause of stress, increasing stress tolerance, and helping patients move through the psychosocial and emotional issues underlying their symptoms. As with so many other areas in life, you never know what something is like until you’ve experienced it yourself. And having struggled through pain management from an early age Merina has a first-hand experience of both the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of living with traumatic pain.

I first met Merina at a PSYCH-K® facilitator workshop and was immediately captivated not only by her person journey but also her commitment to ongoing learning. As she explains in our recent YouTube interview, the additional training in PSYCH-K® now affords her the ability to also help her patients move past the emotional side of their pain.

As I mentioned at the beginning, I love to learn from others who have gone through tremendous life challenges only to emerge with a steadfast dedication to serve and support others. Be it physical or emotional pain, substance abuse or even internal struggles with self-doubts and limiting beliefs, I am constantly amazed with the ability of an individual to recover.

Prepare thyself to serve and support others”.

At Self-Sovereignty, our mission is to “Prepare thyself to serve and support others”. But to do so requires an individual to first become Self-Sovereign. That means you must first believe in yourself, work through your own limiting beliefs and self-doubts, learn to love unconditionally while understanding your personal boundaries, and be in congruence with your own higher power.

And to be clear, this is an ongoing process. As an advanced trained PSYCH-K® facilitator my daily regimen includes both mediation and PSYCH®-K balancing. 

And I continue to meet with my personal PSYCH-K® facilitator on a recurring basis to better align my subconscious mindset with my current aspirations, desires and goals.

And one of those goals is to encourage and support other members of the Self-Sovereignty community. This is your life journey; you alone have the power to change your destiny.


I encourage you to take a couple minutes to watch my recent interview with Merina, and if compelled absolutely reach out to her (She is Amazing)!

And Remember;

The Answer is Within You
Build A Better You

God Bless and take care. And please feel free to leave a comment, I would love to hear from you!