What Is PSYCH-K® ?

Today, we’re going to step inside the world of PYSCH-K®, a powerful process used to assist in the transformation of the subconscious mindset.

My name is Steve and as a PSYCH-K® facilitator, I assist individuals with transforming their subconscious mindset to overcome personal anxieties, fears limiting beliefs, and self-doubts to better align with your current aspirations, desires and goals.


But honestly, PSYCH-K is so much more…

And its core, PSYCH-K® Subconscious Mindset Transformation is a therapeutic modality and self-help technique that aims to facilitate positive changes in beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes.

Developed by Rob Williams in the late 1980s, PSYCH-K® combines principles from neuroscience, psychology, and various spiritual traditions.


PSYCH-K® is derived from “psychological kinesiology,” reflecting the use of muscle testing (kinesiology) to identify and address subconscious beliefs. The technique is based on the idea that our beliefs, especially those held at a subconscious level, influence our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

So now that we know what PSYCH-K® is, let’s explore how the process works.

During a PSYCH-K® session, a specially trained facilitator such as myself will work with an individual to help identify specific areas of concern that may be causing undue anxieties, fears, limiting beliefs, or self-doubts. 

Now, it’s beyond the scope of this segment to explain the details of the process, at a high-level the facilitator will lead the individual or “partner” as we refer to them through a serious of specific movement patterns designed to engage both hemispheres of the brain

The intention is to create a state of what’s described as “whole-brain integration” which can help the person reprogram or replace limiting beliefs with more empowering ones.

Think of it as an alignment of both sides of your mind with respect to a specific belief, fear, etc.

For example, if you’re afraid to speak in public, or perform, chances are something happened in your early years that left an emotional memory or fear in your subconscious. Perhaps your classmates giggled at you when you stood up in class or you forgot the words when performing.

Or, it could be something completely different or unrelated to the current situation, but for whatever reason your subconscious memory has made a correlation between the current situation and something that caused anxiety in your past.

Remember, your subconscious mind controls 95% of your minds processing at any given time. Your subconscious mind operates exceptionally faster the conscious mind, constantly scanning your environment to determine if there is anything expected or unusual, and quickly associating each scenario with prior experiences locked deep in your subconscious.

Think fight or flight.

Now, before we go on, I do want to stop to acknowledge that the power of PSYCH-K extends well beyond the capabilities discussed so far.

In fact, PSYCH-K® subconscious mindset transformation is often used to address various aspects of life, including relationships, career, health, and personal growth.

And it’s important to remember PYSCH-K is not considered a replacement to existing medical treatment; but rather a complementary approach to traditional therapeutic methods.

Also always consult with your healthcare providers before making any changes to prescribed medications or therapies.

Now, let’s step through a few high-level scenarios of how PSYCH-K® can be used as a therapeutic and self-help tool with the goal of facilitating positive changes in beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes.

Here are some common areas where PSYCH-K is used, beginning with Belief Reprogramming.

Belief Reprogramming: PSYCH-K aims to identify and transform limiting beliefs held at the subconscious level into more positive and empowering beliefs. This process is thought to impact thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

Personal Development: Many individuals use PSYCH-K for personal growth and development. It can be applied to enhance self-esteem, confidence, and overall well-being.

Stress Reduction: PSYCH-K may be employed to address and alleviate stress, anxiety, and emotional challenges. By changing underlying beliefs, individuals may experience a reduction in stress levels.

Relationships: PSYCH-K is sometimes used to improve relationships by addressing limiting beliefs that may be affecting communication, trust, and intimacy.

Health and Wellbeing: Some people use PSYCH-K to address health-related issues. While it is not a substitute for medical treatment, individuals may apply it as a complementary approach to support overall well-being.

Career and Success: PSYCH-K can be utilized to address beliefs related to career success, abundance, and achieving personal and professional goals.

Trauma and Emotional Healing: It may be used as part of a holistic approach to addressing past traumas or emotional wounds by working on subconscious beliefs associated with those experiences.

Spiritual Growth: SYCH-K incorporates elements from various spiritual traditions, and some individuals use it as a tool for spiritual exploration and growth.

I hope you found the information in this blog helpful, and I encourage individuals seeking to use PSYCH-K® for specific concerns to check out the related videos on my YouTube channel . Follow the links in the comments below and head over to my website at www.self-sovereignty.net.

And before we go, I want to hear from you. What information or questions do you have about PSYCH-K® subconscious mindset transformation Leave a comment below, I’d love to hear from you. 

And remember, 

The Answer is Within You, to Build A Better You, and to Own Your Destiny.