The Power of the Subconscious Mind

The power of the subconscious mind, your subconscious mind controls 95% of your thoughts at any given time.  

Here’s another interesting fact. Your subconscious processes at roughly 500,000 times faster than your conscious mind. So what does that mean?

Well, here an example. Have you ever been traveling in your car, driving somewhere familiar like to your home, or to the store, or maybe to work during a morning commute; and, you have a thousand-and-one things on your mind and then suddenly you are at your destination and you realize you don’t even remember actively driving there.

That my friends, is an example the power of your subconscious mind.

You have driven to that location over, and over, and from various other locations, and your subconscious mind already has the programmed directions needed to get you to your destination.

Your conscious mind can go on auto-pilot to begin think of all those other things you have to get done, while your subconscious mind uses your programmed directions and stored memories to take you home. And, it will find the most favorable route to take based on your previous trips.

Similarly, your subconscious mind also holds your prior life experiences, including any associated emotions, feelings, or perceptions for each of those events or situations.

And just like the driving example of finding the programmed directions, your subconscious mind will make an association to a previous memory or experience to determine how best to act or re-act to a new experience.

And that’s great when your subconscious mind aligns a new situation with prior experiences that are favorable, to allow you to lean in toward that new situation with a positive mindset.

But what happens if the new situation aligns with or is perceived to be aligned with prior experiences that invokes feelings of anxiety, fear, limiting beliefs or self-doubt?

What happens when old experiences create mental-blockers that prohibit us from moving forward?

Aspirations, Desires, and Goals

Well, the good news is, you can transform a subconscious mindset to better align with your current aspirations, desires and goals.

And, in some cases it can be as simple as repainting the walls in a room at your house.  

Now, to restate what I said earlier, “Transform your subconscious mindset, to better align with your current desires and goals.”

That sounds so simple right? Change your mindset, change your life?

When you think about it, it’s really not a new concept. We’ve all tried different tools and techniques in the past designed to help us improve our behavior and overall well-being.

In fact, there are thousands, and thousands of books dedicated to change, using various tools and techniques including everything from daily affirmations, to meditations, and rituals. Just take a leisurely stroll down the self-help section of your local library or book store.

And while some of those processes can or do work to one degree or another, more often than not they speak to the conscious mind and require purposeful “active-thinking” to reinforce a habit or ritual to support the change. And even with that, the change is usually short-lived.

And that’s what sets PSYCH-K® apart. PSYCH-K® is a modality that speaks directly to the subconscious mind.

So how is it different?

First let’s revisit, the power of the subconscious mind controls 95% of the brain processing at any given time. Meaning, your conscious mind is really only responsible for the remaining 5% or your thoughts.

Remember our driving analogy used at the start of the segment?

The conscious mind stays in the here and now, has limited capacity, and serves as the active or thinking part of the mind.

Expanding on our driving scenario, have you ever been cruising along in the car, somewhat mindlessly, and then suddenly jolted into the present because something appeared out of nowhere? Perhaps a car run a red light or turns into your lane.

Something happened that your subconscious mind didn’t expect and immediately triggered your conscious mind to come off “auto-pilot” to take action! It’s part of your fight or flight mechanisms developed to protect you in all situations.

Again, the conscious mind processes and makes decisions using stored information referenced from the subconscious mind. Meaning your prior experiences, both good and bad, influence and drive your personal behaviors, beliefs, emotions, perceptions, and memories.

And, while the conscious mind operates at around 2000 bits per second, the subconscious mind operates at 400 billion bits per second. So again, that means the power of the subconscious mind is in control 95% of your thoughts, every second of your life.  

So, let’s stop for a second and put that in context.

Your conscious or thinking mind may want to establish a new daily habit or ritual, such as going to the gym or working out every day. However, if you truly want to be successful you must first align your subconscious mind with the new daily aspiration, desire or goal. You have to truly believe, at the subconscious level, that working out is a favorable activity.

Otherwise, when you activate a thought for this new habit, your subconscious mind may push back with a vengeance.


Remember, your subconscious mind holds your stored beliefs, emotions, perceptions, memories, etc., and operates exceptionally faster than your conscious mind. Chances are, all of your prior gym experiences, emotions, and feelings will bubble up. And if those are not favorable or in positive alignment with your new goal, you will most likely fail.

Granted, you may push yourself through and be successful with the new habit for a week or two, but more often than not your subconscious mind will determine the outcome and pretty soon you’ll stop all together. And then you’ve created yet another new subconscious “experience” of failure associated to the desired goal.

And that’s way change of any kind is so dang hard.

Getting back to PSYCH-K®, when I speak to a new client or “partner” as we say in PSYCH-K®, they usually want to try to understand the process at some level.  They want to try understand what makes it work and why it stands out from other modalities.

And the truth is, it’s really quite astonishing. Because, as complicated as the brain is, the subconscious mind doesn’t really have the capacity to actively distinguish a real event or situation from the perception of an event or situation.

Therefore, through the power of various PSYCH-K® processes and protocols, and with the assistance of a well-seasoned facilitator, you can change or reprogram a belief or behavior at the subconscious level.

Meaning, you can transform a subconscious mindset to better align with your current aspirations, desires, and goals.

And, as complicated as the brain is, the subconscious mindset transformation can be eloquently simple.

It starts with understanding a current condition or situation, and then setting a clear intention what it is that you want instead.

And unlike traditional therapy that often relies on understanding why a person feels or acts a certain way, PSYCH-K® is focused on the actual transformation. It doesn’t really matter what lead to the condition or situation, what’s important is understanding what you want instead, and then changing the mindset at the subconscious level.

Think of it like repainting a room. The walls may be are dark and dreary, but with the right primer you can paint over the walls to change the color to brighten the tone and mood of the room.

And it doesn’t matter who painted the room or why they picked the dark and dreary color, the important thing is you want something bright and cheerful. And, what do you want instead?

For this analogy, think of PSYCH-K® as the “primer” or process used to overwrite or facilitate the change.

I hope you enjoyed this post, and feel free to leave a comment including any tips or suggestions you have related to the topic.

Check out the full episode on YouTube!